Amy Richards

Compassion Researcher, Public Health

Task Force for Global Health; Emory University


I am a public health practitioner and anthropologist focused on the wellbeing effects of social connections, especially the essential role of compassion in redirecting our lost species stuck in judgment, fear, trauma responses, and division — both inside ourselves and out. Talk to me about concepts like loneliness, social isolation, stigma, inclusion, exclusion, (dis)abilities, belonging, holistic wellbeing (emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, psychological, economic, social), flourishing, post-traumatic growth, assets-based mindsets, and participatory research.

Why I support the Compassion Coalition

Though the impact of any given compassionate soul is profound in each life touched, the impact of many when connected is exponential. Only through this tapestry can we hope to blanket all beings, this planet, and that beyond.

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