Cultivating Aliveness

with Fabiana Fondevila

Learn the fundamentals of living with vitality with storyteller, teacher, and spiritual activist, Fabiana Fondevila. During this 90-minute workshop, we will dive deep into the science-backed principles behind this dynamic state of being that has the potential to have a profound impact on mental, emotional, and physical well-being. 

Fabiana Fondevila

This event was held on Saturday, 16th March 2024.

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Being fully alive is a state of being, an open, porous, feeling state that allows life to rush through us like a thundering river. Psychologists call this state of vibrant aliveness “vitality”; a condensation of qualities such as energy, enthusiasm, motivation, and connection.

In this workshop, we’ll explore strategies and practices to cultivate lasting vitality in daily life, empowering us to relate better to afflictive states and to counter anxiety, depression and disconnection. Join us to learn how to kindle your inner fire, access it in daily life and let it spread out to the world!

Fabiana Fondevila is a storyteller, teacher and spiritual activist, whose main passion is turning awe and inspiration into life-honoring action. She is the author of “Where Wonder Lives. Practices for Cultivating the Sacred in Your Daily Life”, and the founder of initiatives as diverse as “Mujeres en acción” (Women in action), which promotes resilience and autonomy in victims of gender violence, “Intertwined”, monthly gatherings for knitting colorful blankets for the homeless, and co-founder of Vivir Agradecidos, an organization that fosters the grateful life.

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