Helping those in pain

This is the story of a wonderful connection made over several thousands of miles.

I myself live in Bungoma Town, Kenya. My work here is very wide-ranging: I am involved in projects to support children and orphans and, crucially for this story, people with disabilities who lack access to essential support so they can live a good and decent life.

Much of that work involves getting practical help to these people. Amongst them is a wonderful gentleman named Odwero. His disability makes it impossible for him to walk and he needs a trike to get around. Unfortunately, Odwero’s trike was recently broken and we had to get the funds together to pay for the repairs. 

This is where the power of connection can be felt.

Katie is a Compassion Connector living in Britain. We met through one of the GCC Connector calls and connected via the WhatsApp group. Katie lives with chronic pain so she as special connection to people like Odwero.

On hearing of our story, Katie kindly made a donation. With that money we were able to repair Odwero’s trike and get him back moving once again.

As you’ll see from this video, Odwero can be pretty speedy once he gets the trike moving. It’s so important that he is given the freedom to get around our town – to have his independence and agency. Katie has given him that. 

Alice is a Compassion Connector from Kenya.

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