Rwanda’s Connectors help out at refugee school

Mahama Refugee Camp sits in the Kirehe District of Eastern Rwanda. Housing 58,000 refugees its population is the same as some of Rwanda’s largest cities. Most of the refugees here are from Burundi – they escaped from their home country in 2015.

As the size of the camp has grown, so have the services it must provide. A school has now been established in the camp with over 100 classrooms and it was in one of those rooms that Rwanda’s Compassion Connectors recently gathered to help-out at a reading lesson.

Meeting with children aged 4-15, Rwanda’s Connectors joined in with their reading sessions, helping and encouraging the children.

Offering these sessions is so important. It not only helps the teachers at the school – meaning more pupils can be supported – but it also creates a connection between the children in the camp and the community outside. It creates a sense of society and community, overcoming the separation of living in the camp.

In total the Rwandan Connectors joined in with helping 30 children at the camp school.

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