Sharing the essentials in Kenya

The people in our communities are struggling to access the basics they need for a good and decent life: clothes, food, school supplies, and even housing. Some are in need of help with a disability.

As a Connector group, we are committed to doing what we can to help these individuals and to try and reduce the rates of poverty, poor health, illiteracy, and loneliness.

While we can’t expect to do everything right away, we’ve set a clear plan.

We will come together to receive donations of funds, clothing, and school supplies and distribute these out to as many who need them. We have also committed to visiting those who are lonely and lack of resources. While we might not be able to always get them essential resources, we can offer our time and love and show them that they matter.

And, as our activities get under way, we will be looking to fundraise to help support our initiatives here.

Bits of Blessings, Kenya

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