Cultivating Curiosity

Jud Brewer


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Types of Curiosity

There are two types of curiosity. The first is deprivation curiosity, which kicks in when we’re deprived of information. It’s similar to when we’re hungry and our stomach rumbles, signaling us to go get some food. In the same way, information is like food for our brain. It helps us survive.

The second type of curiosity is interest curiosity. This type of curiosity is different than deprivation curiosity in the sense that we’re not deprived of anything in particular, we’re just interested. It’s the joy of discovery.

The Role of Curiosity

Curiosity helps us open to our experience. It helps us move from a fixed mindset, where we think things are a certain way and will always be that way, to a growth mindset, where we’re open to taking in new information.

Curiosity also helps us step back and notice our biases. It helps us see the world through what are described as subjective bias glasses. We’re preconditioned to see the world in certain ways. This subjective bias can be helpful in some ways, but it can also get in our way and cause a lot of suffering.

Curiosity as a Superpower

Curiosity is a superpower because it helps us see the world as it truly is. It helps us step out of our habit patterns that can lead to suffering. It helps us awaken to see how we are causing ourselves suffering and how we are causing suffering for others.

Practice of Curiosity

In the practice of curiosity, we start by noticing where we might be getting caught up in our own subjective bias. We explore our experience and ask simple questions like where do we feel it in our body. We bring in a flavor of interest and flip the “oh no” to “oh, what is this”.


Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will. It’s certainly the case for me and I would invite all of us to explore it ourselves. Can we foster the habit of being curious? Can it help us live our life in a different way, one that’s more open to the world, more compassionate, and hopefully in the service of harmony with ourselves and with others?

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