Development Alert

At Development Alert, we are team of volunteers who came together in 2019 to give back to our community in the areas of Access to clean Water, Education, Economic Empowerment, Environment and Health. Support some of the most vulnerable, poor and underserved communities in Tororo District in Uganda. However, to make our impact reach more people and to support communities officially, we created an engineer to steer us forward to the desired destinations. We registered Development Alert as a not-for-profit, nongovernmental community-based organization.

From 2019 to 2023, we have supported an incredible 634 rural and needy children with 7,608 Exercise Book and 3, 170 Pens/Pencils to supported their education journey-Thanks to the amazing support of our partners.

Supported and continue to support the elderly in the community with basic needs such as Housing, Beddings, Clothing, food, medical care and health related support to help them have decent lives.

Also, through the wonderful support our USA coordinator and Partner, we drilled a community Borehole to provide access to clean and safe water to over 1000 people in Kisia Village Paya Sub County in Tororo District. This is the first clean source to have been installed in the community and for the first time ever, the community has never lacked water during dry seasons, so many lives have been saved from the use to be rampant water borne diseases, they no longer share same open water sources with animals, walk long distances while carrying heavy containers on their heads, children especially girls are now able to attend school improving literacy among the population.

In addition, we have been able to support 7 young female Trained tailors with 7 Brand New Sewing Machines and Start up Fabrics for their Tailoring Businesses, employment and income. Having been unemployed for a long time after finishing their course training, the young women did not find jobs and also did have resources to support themselves and those around them. However, this has given the young women an opportunity to have a permanent employment and be able to earn income to support their families improving access to basic needs and household income.

Furthermore, 15 more young people received support to train in different courses in tertiary institutions and also attend high school.

Lastly, Development Alert in partnership with Uganda Wildlife Society, have been able to plant over 10,000 trees with communities in form of Agro forestry and on natural habitat to support in environment conservation, habitat restoration and protection, and increased tree cover.

Organizer: Zachery Onyango


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