Meeting someone who hasn’t been visited for four years

My name is Suzy. A few weeks ago I became a Compassion Connector and I want to share with you my story.

I live in Zomba, a district of southern Malawi that used to be the country’s capital. Now most of the visitors here are farmers, coming to sell tomatoes, vegetables, and other produce in the marketplace. 

In amongst the bustle of traders, the lives of our older generations often go unnoticed and neglected. 

Because life can be hard and work here is mainly physical, it’s very difficult for older people to make money and get food or water. If they don’t have a family to care for them, they are often ignored and become completely isolated.

This is why I became a Connector. I wanted these people to know that they are loved. I wanted to help them. 

On my first day as a Connector, a friend and I went and visited around 20 older people in our local community – 14 women and 6 men. Of those around 11 live completely alone. 

We didn’t do anything too complicated. We sat with them for a while and chatted. We asked them what they might need and if we could come again.

I felt we were making an immediate impact. These people wanted to feel seen and valued. They wanted to be part of our community. 

One woman’s story really hit me. She told us that she hadn’t been visited by anyone for four years. She gets by on three meals a week. I said we’d try and see her twice a month, we’d bring what food we could, and help her with some tidying. 

I believe that what we’re doing is going to make a difference. 

Not only to the people we will continue to visit but also others because we are trying to set an example to our community. We want to show that our older friends deserve much better. 

The reason I chose to share this story with you is because I hope it will help you if you’re wondering how to act. We’ve offered what we can and will continue to do so. And I know that the people we met were greatly touched by our visits. 

You can make a difference. Just in one day, something amazing can start. 

And, if you want to help me, please support my crowdfunder here.

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The Transformational Power of Male Compassion

Wednesday 16th June | 9am PT / 12pm ET/ 5pm GMT