The changes we need

While progress has been made, achieving true gender equality requires dismantling systemic sexism at its roots. What changes are still urgently needed?

Policy reform

Advocating for comprehensive policy reforms and the implementation of gender-responsive legislation is essential in safeguarding the rights and interests of women and girls. Equal rights for women must be clearly established and rigorously enforced through laws explicitly prohibiting discrimination in all spheres of life. Comprehensive anti-discrimination laws must create accountability mechanisms allowing women to challenge biased practices and norms and provide legal recourse when facing harassment, unfair policies, or discrimination. Strengthening legal frameworks and ensuring their effective implementation is essential in providing survivors of gender-based violence or harassment with accessible avenues for seeking justice and redress, and is imperative to promote a more equitable and inclusive society.


Education plays a pivotal role in fostering gender equality and empowering women and girls. Eliminating barriers to girls’ education such as child marriage, household labor expectations, unsafe school environments, and prohibitive fees enables women is paramount to the struggle against gender discrimination. By promoting comprehensive and inclusive education initiatives, we can challenge existing stereotypes and biases, equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge and critical thinking skills to navigate and confront gender-based challenges. Incorporating gender-sensitive curricula and promoting the representation of women’s achievements and contributions across various fields can help dismantle societal norms that perpetuate gender inequality.


Affordable, accessible healthcare must also be understood as a universal human right, including full sexual and reproductive care.  By enhancing access to a wide range of healthcare services, such as regular screenings, maternal health support, and preventive care, we can effectively prioritize the well-being and autonomy of women and girls. This includes ensuring access to affordable and quality healthcare facilities in both urban and rural areas, as well as promoting education and awareness campaigns that empower women to make informed decisions about their health. Comprehensive contraception access, safe abortion services, prenatal programs, and support for maternal-child health all empower women’s wellbeing and autonomy.

Social norms

Prevailing cultural beliefs and assumptions about women’s capabilities and appropriate roles must profoundly evolve worldwide, shedding limiting, unfounded gender stereotypes that cut across cultures. Educational programs should actively encourage critical thinking and questioning of gender assumptions, engaging both boys and girls in constructive discussions about the fluidity of gender roles. Furthermore, reforming mass media and popular culture to promote diverse, empowered representations of women is critical to addressing social norms. Implementing guidelines and standards that promote gender-sensitive advertising can help combat the normalization of discriminatory practices and ensure that advertisements are free from harmful gender biases. 

Essential Reading

Books on the changes we need for women and girls

Further Reading

Blogs and Guides on the changes we need for women and girls

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