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's Books

I Don’t Want to Talk about It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression
Cuando las luZiernagas brillan
Survival at Stake : How Our Treatment of Animals Is Key to Human Existence
We Need to Talk
Your Liminal Odyssey, A Practical Guide Into Alchemizing The Spaces In-Between
Are we done fighting?: Building Understanding in a World of Hate and Division
A Compassionate Civilization: The Urgency of Sustainable Development and Mindful Activism – Reflections and Recommendations
Reinventing masculinity: The Liberating Power of Compassion And Connection
Why Vegan?: Eating Ethically
Earthling Love: Living Poems 1965 – 2020
Attachment Theory in Practice
Life in Five Senses
Parental Mental Health: Factoring in Fathers
THE CRITICAL DECADE 2020 – 2029: Calls for Ecological Compassionate Leadership
Compassionomics: The Revolutionary Scientific Evidence That Caring Makes a Difference
Hold Me Tight
The Home Within You – an introduction
The Now Effect
A Practical Guide to Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living – Living with Heart
The Fifteen Minute Hour
Rewire Your Mind: Discover the science and practice of mindfulness
Untangled: Walking the Eightfold Path to Clarity, Courage and Compassion
The Art of Compassionate Business
Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living – A new training programme to deepen mindfulness with heartfulness
MBSR Everyday
Mindful Compassion
The Mask of Masculinity: How Men Can Embrace Vulnerability, Create Strong Relationships, and Live Their Fullest Lives
The Good Father: On Men, Masculinity, and Life in the Family
Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace)
The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety
When Sadness is at Your Door
A Liberated Mind
Caring economics: Conversations on altruism and compassion, between scientists, economists, and the Dalai Lama
The myths of happiness: What should make you happy, but doesn’t, what shouldn’t make you happy, but does.
The Fragrance of Wanderlust: How to Capture the Essence of Travel in Our Everyday Lives
Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make–and Keep–Friends
Der Glücksstandard
Boys don’t try? Rethinking masculinity in schools
Mindful Discipline: A Loving Approach to Setting Limits and Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child
Libertism: Grasping the 21st Century
It’s OK: Being Kind to Yourself When Things Feel Hard
A Primer for Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy
Grundrecht auf Glück 
Apa Handbook of men and masculinities
Mommy Burnout
Evolution, Early Experience and Human Development
A Culture of Happiness
A Practical Guide to Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living – Living with Heart
“Just One Heart”, for release early 2024
Política, emociones y espiritualidad: Emancipar la consciencia, tejer redes comunitarias y transformar nuestros mundos
The Animal Manifesto: Six Reasons for Expanding Our Compassion Footprint
The Rabbit Listened
Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion program: A guide for professionals. New York: Guilford Press

cover coming soon

Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive
Serving People & Planet: In Mystery, Love and Gratitude
The Postnatal Depletion Cure: A Complete Guide to Rebuilding Your Health & Reclaiming Your Energy
Shift: Creating Better Tomorrows
The Masculinity Workbook for Teens: Discover What Being a Guy Means to You
The Cure for Money Madness
ACT on Life Not on Anger: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Guide to Problem Anger
Love Sense
My New Best Friend by Sara Marlowe (Author) and Ivette
The Home Within You READING Book
It’s OK: Being Kind to Yourself When Things Feel Hard
Politics of Being
Le Bonheur National Brut
How To Change – The Science of Getting to Where You Are To Where You Want To Be
How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen
Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate
Prosocial: Using Evolutionary Science to Build Productive, Equitable, and Collaborative Groups
The how of happiness: A scientific approach to getting the life you want.
How to Use Neuroscience to Accelerate Recovery: Caring for the brain after relational abuse
The Home Within You SIDE BY SIDE Book for Parent/Guardian and Child

cover coming soon

Inner Work
Anxiety Happens: 52 Ways to Find Peace of Mind
Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys: Strategies that Work and Why
The Case for the Legal Protection of Animals: Humanity’s Shared Destiny with the Animal Kingdom
Deep Secrets: Boys’ Friendships and the Crisis of Connection
Getting to the Truth
Mindful Communication – Speaking and Listening with Wisdom and Compassion
Compassion-Based Practices for Secondary Traumatic Stress
Deep Human – Practical Superskills for the future
A Case for Compassion
Born for Love
Mindfulness Meditations for the Anxious Traveler
Life Falls Apart But You Don’t Have To: mindful methods for staying calm in the midst of chaos
What is Bildung?
Essentials of Compassion-Focused Therapy
Breaking barriers in counseling men: Insights and innovations
The Lucifer Effect: How good people turn evil
Good Morning, I Love You: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Practices to Rewire Your Brain for Calm, Clarity, and Joy
Animal Liberation Now
Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture and Wisdom
The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love
A Plea for the Animals: The Moral, Philosophical, and Evolutionary Imperative to Treat All Beings with Compassion
Unwinding Anxiety
The Nordic Secret
SOCIETY, SPIRIT & SELF: Essays on the One Dance
Restoring the Kinship Worldview: Indigenous Voices Introduce 28 Precepts for Rebalancing Life on Planet Earth
The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Principles of Becoming More Flexible, Effective, and Fulfilled
Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living – A new training programme to deepen mindfulness with heartfulness
Compassion focused therapy and the body: how physiological underpinnings of prosociality inform clinical practice

cover coming soon

SNAP! From Chaos to Calm
The Mindfulness-Based Emotional Balance Workbook: An Eight-Week Program for Improved Emotion Regulation and Resilience
Bildung: Keep Growing
Do Nothing
Self-Compassion for Parents: Nurture Your Child by Caring for Yourself
Compassion focused therapy: Distinctive features
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (2nd ed.)
How Compassion can Transform our Politics, Economy, and Society
Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life
The Craving Mind
Creativity Games
The Home Within You ACTIVITY Book

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The Home Within You TEACHING Book

cover coming soon

The Animal Lover’s Guide to Changing the World: Practical Advice and Everyday Actions for a More Sustainable, Humane, and Compassionate Planet 
Compassionate Leadership: Sustaining Wisdom, Humanity and Presence in Health and Social Care
The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive
The Liminal Odyssey, The Alchemical Power of The Spaces In-Between
A Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Workbook
Indigenous Sustainable Wisdom: First Nation Know-How for Global Flourishing
Unfolding Peace, 9 leadership principles to create cultures of well-being, belonging and peace
Animals Matter: A Biologist Explains Why We Should Treat Animals with Compassion and Respect
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: A Practitioner’s Treatment Guide to Using Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Values-Based Behavior Change Strategies
Awake at the Bedside: Contemplative Teachings on Palliative and End of Life Care
Wholehearted: Slow Down, Help Out, Wake Up
The Compassionate Mind
Open: Living with an Expansive Mind in a Distracted World
Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in Challenging Times
Compassion: Bridging Practice and Science
Dying to be men: Psychosocial, environmental, and Biobehavioral Directions in promoting the health of men and boys
Mother Nurture: A Mother’s Guide to Health in Body, Mind, and Intimate Relationships
Listening with My Heart: A story of kindness and self-compassion 
The Anxiety Happens Guided Journal: Write Your Way to Peace of Mind
Start Here: Master the Lifelong Habit of Wellbeing
Speaking of Race
Fair Play
Negotiating the Nonnegotiable: How to Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts
Multiracial Cosmotheandrism: A Practical Theology of Multiracial Experiences
A Rational Approach to Animal Rights: Extensions in Abolitionist Theory 
Power and Care: Toward Balance for our common future – Science, society, and spirituality
Handbook of Mindfulness-Based Programmes 
The Palgrave Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health
Outer Order, Inner Calm
Better Than Before
Self-Compassion for Educators
Free To Be Me: A Journey of Transformation through Generational Healing
New Theory and Practice of Diplomacy
The Mindful Self-Compassion workbook: A proven way to accept yourself, find inner strength, and thrive
Reinventing Masculinity
When Partners Become Parents: The Big Life Change for Couples
The 80/80 Marriage: A New Model for a Happier, Stronger Relationship
Self-compassion: The proven power of being kind to yourself
Joy on Demand: The Art of Discovering the Happiness Within
A practical guide to Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living: Living with Heart
Edgar and Elouise
Toxic Emotions at Work: How Compassionate Managers Handle Pain and Conflict
Of Boys and Men
The Happiness Project
The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities
Better Boys, Better Men: The New Masculinity That Creates Greater Courage and Emotional Resiliency
The Four Tendencies
Uncovering Happiness: Overcoming
The Fear Factor: How One Emotion Connects Altruists, Psychopaths, and Everyone In-Between
love WITH accountability: Digging Up the Roots of Child Sexual Abuse
The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person
The Science of Channeling: Why You Should Trust Your Intuition and Embrace the Force That Connects Us All
Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living: Cultivating Relationality with ‘Heartful Mind’ and ‘Mindful Heart’

cover coming soon

Choose Compassion: Why it matters and how it works
Handbook of Self-Compassion
The Collected Wisdom of Fathers

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